Nowadays music promotion revolves a lot around social media. In fact, most artists have several social media accounts where they share their latest performances, pictures, and thoughts. With electronic music as with other genres, along with your website, social networking sites are certainly a real marketing tool to sell music and get popularity through the internet. They thrive on the whole viral networking scene. Many think that throwing their music on SoundCloud is enough to get opportunities.
Nonetheless, this is not enough. Your music has to be qualitative and you need to be persistent and present on all social media (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram, etc.) since results don’t come immediately. Promoting music through social media can be difficult at first. The tricks to be persistent and consistent (with content to follow). It can take time.
Nowadays music promotion revolves a lot around social media. In fact, most artists have several social media accounts where they share their latest performances, pictures, and thoughts. With electronic music as with other genres, along with your website, social networking sites are certainly a real marketing tool to sell and get popularity through the internet. They thrive on the whole viral networking scene.
Many think that throwing their music on SoundCloud is enough to get opportunities. Nonetheless, this is not enough. Your music has to be qualitative and you need to be persistent and present on all social media (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram, etc.) since results don’t come immediately. Promoting music through social media can be difficult at first. The tricks to be persistent and consistent (with content to follow). It can take time.
Today, youtube is without any doubt one of the leading social media platforms. Nonetheless, building up a solid following on youtube can be very difficult. Your best ally here will be the big music promotion channels. Contact them, send them your best tracks. If the channel appreciates the content, they will post your music on their page.
This can be extremely useful since some of them have over a million followers. In this way, your track can get thousands of views in the first day. Moreover, most of the time the channel will put your socials in the video description. With Soundcloud, this is surely one of the best ways to get your music out there right now.
On Instagram, things tend to get more difficult. However, hashtags can be super handy here, just like with Twitter. You can get new followers with them. Even though you make good pictures, this is no guarantee because it is hard to make people click on things. There is also no way to embed links into a post so the only thing is to place a link on your profile. In a way, Instagram copied Snapchat, stealing their ideas from the stories concept. Furthermore, this concept was later on incorporated into Facebook’s messenger app. Twitter works just like Instagram, but mostly just with text. Here, if a bigger artist is reposting something of you this can give a huge boost (a lot of following) to your career. Your strategy here should be to reach out to friends or acquaintances who have some form of influence in the music industry. Their retweets should be helpful. Facebook pages can be useful to post about your latest releases, equipment and really everything that might be interesting for the people that follow you. For example, if you have been to a festival or DJ somewhere, this content can be interesting to your fans. Any topic related thing is a good bet. Nonetheless, the downside of Facebook is that people don’t use it that much anymore. Therefore, building a following using only Facebook is practically impossible.
Here, a useful strategy would be to post pictures for promotion. On an artist page, for example, you would post a picture, with a description where you can post any links that redirect to your music. If you want more people to see your content on Facebook, there is the option to pay. However, the second you stop paying it doesn’t work anymore, so it’s not really worth it. On Facebook, both group pages and fan pages (used in a different context) can be useful (read more about Facebook promotion).
The latest on the list, Snapchat’s advantages is that it is a spontaneous and instantaneous way to keep in touch with your fans. The content that is shared by an artist can either be private, nonsensical or promotional. Here, there is no way to post links or anything. It is more about informing the people and letting them follow you closer. It is the most fun social network to use, and probably where the future is going. Promotion is more indirect (since you can’t put link) but if people find your stuff more interesting, they will definitely follow you wherever you lead them to. More than a simple forum, if used correctly, Reddit can prove to be a very valuable tool for the promotion of your tracks. There are even subreddit pages that have been created for the promotion of original tracks. Since it is very contemporary and popular, Reddit certainly has an advantage over ordinary blogs in terms of visibility. Our advice would be to save all these social platforms with your name so that no one else can take it from you. In the beginning, the safest option is probably to start with Instagram & Facebook, a youtube channel and Soundcloud. Twitter and Snapchat, on the other hand, won’t really be useful. It can also help to get your music out on the Spotify or Apple music and all of the available online music stores. Notwithstanding, keep in mind that Spotify almost exclusively works with playlists and people usually don’t even know who the artist is and are not necessarily willing to learn more about the artist’s background etc. Our opinion is that Soundcloud and Youtube are the best social networks to make you grow as a musician. Spotify is important and can also help but there is much less chance for your music to be listened to. On the other hand, Spotify is one of the only places where you can get paid for your music. The bottom line is that you should have nice pictures on social media like Facebook or Instagram and post things that are related to your content, interesting for your audience. In that sense, it might be useful to fill out all of the information so that everyone knows what your site is all about. But be patient, your rise to stardom might take 1 or 2 years. In the end, the most important thing is to make qualitative music.